Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Meet Mr Perswall

There is a huge thunderstorm brewing overhead our neighborhood so it will be time to switch off the wifi very soon. Ours is a magnet for lightning. So I'll type this quickly... Its amazing how little else you need when you have something impressive covering your walls. If your walls are feeling a bit bland visit Mr Perswall for a bit of inspiration. Thank you Sweden for yet more awesomeness! If like me you don't live in Sweden but Johannesburg these people can do a great job for you.

images via Mr Perswall


  1. This paper walls are fantastic! The first three are which I like more.

  2. I love that blue wall!
    And you're very welcome.
    Really been following your blog on bloglovin' for awhile now, so wanted to give you a little shout out!
    x kat
