Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fougasse d' aigues mort

Does anyone out there have their grannies secret recipe for this loaf of orange blossom magnificence? My sister and I are determined to perfect our Saturday morning staple from the market in Uzes, where the local sweet Fougasse gets served up by the piece (very civilized...very french) or (like us neanderthals) ordered and promptly stuffed in by the entire slab. We have watched you tube tutorials, downloaded several recipes and tried all of them but nothing seems to come close, not even remotely. So if you want to part with your ancient secret family recipe, please email me and I promise not to share.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour. Je ne sais pas si vous trouverez mon message, mais au hasard de mes promenades sur le net, j'ai vu votre SOS. Je vous laisse le lien d'une recette que je fais souvent. Je vie pas très loin de la Camargue. Essayez cette recette, et dite moi si vous l'aimez. A bientôt peut-être. http://www.750g.com/fougasse-daigues-mortes-r2486.htm -- mon mail : feedesreves@aol.com --
